Revision: 31179
Updated Code
at August 31, 2010 18:29 by rkumar
Updated Code
class Tree attr_reader :value def initialize(value) @value = value @children = [] end def <<(value) subtree = @children << subtree return subtree end end # Here�s code to create a specificTree(Figure 7-1): t ="Parent") child1 = t << "Child 1" child1 << "Grandchild 1.1" child1 << "Grandchild 1.2" child2 = t << "Child 2" child2 << "Grandchild 2.1" class Tree def each yield value @children.each do |child_node| child_node.each { |e| yield e } end end end # The each method traverses the tree in a way that looks right: t.each { |x| puts x }
Revision: 31178
Initial Code
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at August 31, 2010 18:05 by rkumar
Initial Code
class Tree attr_reader :value def initialize(value) @value = value @children = [] end def <<(value) subtree = @children << subtree return subtree end end Here�s code to create a specificTree(Figure 7-1): t ="Parent") child1 = t << "Child 1" child1 << "Grandchild 1.1" child1 << "Grandchild 1.2" child2 = t << "Child 2" child2 << "Grandchild 2.1"
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
ruby tree structure
Initial Tags
Initial Language