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Revision: 31197
at September 1, 2010 02:06 by vagrantradio

Updated Code
<div id="scrollPane" style="height:150px;overflow-y:scroll;">
 <div class="inner">
  Terms of service jargon stuff here
<input name="TERMS_ACCEPTED_YN" type="checkbox" id="TERMS_ACCEPTED_YN" value="Y"><label>I accept the blah, blah, blah.</label>

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
	jQuery("input#TERMS_ACCEPTED_YN").attr("disabled", true);
	var $box = $("#scrollPane"),
	$inner = $("> .inner", $box),
	innerOuterHeight = $inner.outerHeight();
	boxHeight = $box.height();
	boxOffsetTop = $box.offset().top;
	jQuery("#scrollPane").scroll(function() {
		if (Math.ceil(boxHeight - $inner.offset().top + boxOffsetTop) >= innerOuterHeight ) {

Revision: 31196
at September 1, 2010 02:05 by vagrantradio

Updated Code
<div id="scrollPane" style="height:150px;overflow-y:scroll;">
 <div class="inner">
  Terms of service jargon stuff here

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
	jQuery("input#TERMS_ACCEPTED_YN").attr("disabled", true);
	var $box = $("#scrollPane"),
	$inner = $("> .inner", $box),
	innerOuterHeight = $inner.outerHeight();
	boxHeight = $box.height();
	boxOffsetTop = $box.offset().top;
	jQuery("#scrollPane").scroll(function() {
		if (Math.ceil(boxHeight - $inner.offset().top + boxOffsetTop) >= innerOuterHeight ) {

Revision: 31195
at September 1, 2010 02:04 by vagrantradio

Initial Code
<div id="scrollPane" style="height:150px;overflow-y:scroll;">
 <div class="inner">
  Terms of service jargon stuff here

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
	jQuery("input#TERMS_ACCEPTED_YN").attr("disabled", true);
	var $box = $("#scrollPane"),
	$inner = $("> .inner", $box),
	innerOuterHeight = $inner.outerHeight();
	boxHeight = $box.height();
	boxOffsetTop = $box.offset().top;
	jQuery("#scrollPane").scroll(function() {
		if (Math.ceil(boxHeight - $inner.offset().top + boxOffsetTop) >= innerOuterHeight ) {

Initial URL

Initial Description
This detects if a user has scrolled to the bottom of an overflow div and enables the checkbox. Can be used for terms of service acceptance, etc.

Initial Title
Div Bottom Scroll Detection

Initial Tags

Initial Language