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Revision: 31911
at September 15, 2010 19:57 by dom111

Initial Code
 * Parallax 0.2
 * Add a simple parallax effect to a page
 * Requires jQuery. Tested with v1.3.2.
 * options: object, Contains all the options required to run the parallax effect:
 * options.useHTML: boolean, If set to true the script will use the HTML element
 *   instead of the container to capture mousemove events
 * options.elements: array, An array of objects of the following structure:
 *   {
 *     'selector': 'div.test',
 *     'properties': {
 *       'x': {
 *         'left': {
 *           'initial': 0,
 *           'multiplier': 0.1,
 *           'invert': true,
 *           'unit': 'px',
 *           'min': -160,
 *           'max': 160
 *         }
 *       },
 *       'y': {
 *          'top': {
 *           'initial': 0,
 *           'multiplier': 0.1,
 *           'invert': false,
 *           'unit': 'px',
 *           'min': 90,
 *           'max': 110
 *          }
 *       }
 *     }
 *   }
 * options.elements[n].selector: string, The jQuery selector for the element
 * options.elements[n].properties: object, Contains 'x' and 'y' keys for the properties
 *   that are affected by either horizontal, or vertical movement respectively
 * options.elements[n].properties[x || y]: object, Contains keys relating to the CSS
 *   property to be changed on movement
 * options.elements[n].properties[x || y][cssProperty]: object, Must contain at least
 *   two keys 'initial' and 'multiplier'.
 *   'initial' is the starting point for the property and 'multiplier' is used to create
 *   the parallax effect. For example to have the element property move exactly with the
 *   mouse cursor you'd use 1, lower values move less...
 *   'min' and 'max' should be fairly self explanetory, the value will be prevented from
 *   deviating beyond these boundaries (both are optional)
 *   'unit' is also optional unit of measurement (the default is 'px')
 *   'invert' is also an optional boolean, if true, the number will be negated
 * Free to use anywhere for anything, but I'd love to see what anyone does with it...
 * Changelog:
 * 0.2
 *   Added an optional unit and invert paramter to each item
 *   Turned the function into a jQuery plugin
 * 0.1
 *   Initial release
(function($) {
  $.fn.parallax = function(options) {
    // options
    var options = $.extend({
      // useHTML: use the whole document as a listener
      'useHTML': true,
      // elements: the elements to manipulate
      'elements': []
    }, options || {});

    // attach the mousemove event to the specified element
    $((options.useHTML) ? 'html' : this).mousemove(function(e) {
      // set up the element as a variable
      var el = $(this);

      // calculate the center
      var center = {
        'x': Math.floor(parseInt(el.width()) / 2),
        'y': Math.floor(parseInt(el.height()) / 2)

      // the the cursor's position
      var pos = {
        'x': (e.pageX - el.offset().left),
        'y': (e.pageY - el.offset().top)

      // calculate the offset
      var offset = {
        'x': (pos.x - center.x),
        'y': (pos.y - center.y)

      // loop through all the elements
      for (var i = options.elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        // set up a container for the properties
        var opts = {}, value, p;

        // loop through all the properties specified
        for (var property in options.elements[i].properties.x) {
          // store the objet in a nicer variable
          p = options.elements[i].properties.x[property];

          // set the value
          value = p.initial + (offset.x * p.multiplier);

          // check that the value's within the bounds
          if ('min' in p && value < p.min) {
            value = p.min;

          } else if ('max' in p && value > p.max) {
            value = p.max;

          // invert the value if required
          if ('invert' in p && p.invert) {
            value = -(value);

          // check if a unit has been specified
          if (!('unit' in p)) {
            p.unit = 'px';

          // append it
          opts[property] = value + p.unit;

        for (var property in options.elements[i].properties.y) {
          p = options.elements[i].properties.y[property];
          value = p.initial + (offset.y * p.multiplier);
          if ('min' in p && value < p.min) {
            value = p.min;
          } else if ('max' in p && value > p.max) {
            value = p.max;
          if ('invert' in p && p.invert) {
            value = -(value);

          if (!('unit' in p)) {
            p.unit = 'px';

          opts[property] = value + p.unit;

        // fix for firefox
        if ('background-position-x' in opts || 'background-position-y' in opts) {
          opts['background-position'] = '' + (('background-position-x' in opts) ? opts['background-position-x'] : '0px') + ' ' + (('background-position-y' in opts) ? opts['background-position-y'] : '0px');

          delete opts['background-position-x'];
          delete opts['background-position-y'];

        // here's the magic! simples!

Initial URL

Initial Description
I’ve seen some very cool parallax effect around lately, especially liking the Silverback site. But none of them are particularly interactive, so I thought I’d make a small implementation of the Parallax effect that interacts with the mouse.

Very early stages (and I haven’t tested it on IE yet… but you could just you conditional comments to exclude ‘those’ people anyway…) but it seems to be working ok. The options aren’t really simple, but they should be fairly self-explanatory…

Initial Title
jQuery Parallax

Initial Tags
css, javascript, jquery

Initial Language