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Revision: 32633
at September 30, 2010 22:52 by g8rpal

Initial Code
If Exists(Select * From tempdb.Information_Schema.Tables Where Table_Name Like '#Temp%')
    Drop Table #temp

Create Table #temp ([Id] int, [Name] varchar(50), [Age] int, [Sex] bit default 1)

Insert Into #temp ([Id] , [Name] , [Age] , [Sex] ) Values(1,'James',25,default)
Insert Into #temp ([Id] , [Name] , [Age] , [Sex] ) Values(1,'James',25,default)
Insert Into #temp ([Id] , [Name] , [Age] , [Sex] ) Values(1,'James',25,default)

Insert Into #temp ([Id] , [Name] , [Age] , [Sex] ) Values(2,'Lisa',24,0)
Insert Into #temp ([Id] , [Name] , [Age] , [Sex] ) Values(2,'Lisa',24,0)
Insert Into #temp ([Id] , [Name] , [Age] , [Sex] ) Values(2,'Lisa',24,0)

Insert Into #temp ([Id] , [Name] , [Age] , [Sex] ) Values(3,'Mirsa',23,0)
Insert Into #temp ([Id] , [Name] , [Age] , [Sex] ) Values(3,'Mirsa',23,0)
Insert Into #temp ([Id] , [Name] , [Age] , [Sex] ) Values(3,'Mirsa',23,0)

Insert Into #temp ([Id] , [Name] , [Age] , [Sex] ) Values(4,'John',26,default)
Insert Into #temp ([Id] , [Name] , [Age] , [Sex] ) Values(5,'Abraham',28,default)
Insert Into #temp ([Id] , [Name] , [Age] , [Sex] ) Values(6,'Lincoln',30,default)

Delete T From
(Select Row_Number() Over(Partition By [ID],[Name],[Age],[Sex] order By [ID]) As RowNumber,* From #Temp)T
Where T.RowNumber > 1

Select * From #temp

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Initial Description
To remove the duplicate rows from table we may have used several ways.

In SQL Server 2005 has the feature to delete the duplicate rows within single query.

Initial Title
Delete duplicate rows from the table using row_number()

Initial Tags

Initial Language