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Revision: 32645
at October 1, 2010 03:13 by webmovementllc

Updated Code
//call the api request and pass it all of your necessary paramters, state, address, store_id, etc.
var url = "" + State ...";
    url: url,
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    success: function(j){              

Revision: 32644
at October 1, 2010 03:11 by webmovementllc

Initial Code
var url = "" + State + "&shipping_postal_code=" + Zip + "&shipping_country=" + Country + "&shipping_country_name=" + CountryName + "&shipping_company=&shipping_address=" + Address + "&shipping_address2=" + Address2 + "&shipping_city=" + City + "&store_postal_code=54481&store_name=SevenPointO&store_state=WI&store_country=US&UOM_weight=LBS&UOM_length=IN&TotalWeight=" + fc_json.total_weight + "&HandlingFee=" + HandlingFee + "&FlatRate=0&CustomsValue=0&is_residential=true&ThisAction=GetShippingCost&fcsid=ofbm52oud35oq4cuuq4in8qij7&store_id=9084";
				  url: url,
				  dataType: 'jsonp',
				  success: function(j){              

Initial URL

Initial Description
This is partial code for calling a custom foxycart shipping request.

Initial Title
FoxyCart API Shipping

Initial Tags
jquery, api

Initial Language