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Revision: 33081
at February 1, 2011 00:02 by hussong

Updated Code
function all_excerpts_get_more_link($post_excerpt) {

	return $post_excerpt . '&nbsp;<a href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) . '">' . 'Read More...' . '</a>';
add_filter('wp_trim_excerpt', 'all_excerpts_get_more_link');

Revision: 33080
at October 6, 2010 01:19 by hussong

Initial Code
function all_excerpts_get_more_link($post_excerpt) {

	return $post_excerpt . '<a href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) . '">' . 'Read More...' . '</a>';
add_filter('wp_trim_excerpt', 'all_excerpts_get_more_link');

Initial URL

Initial Description
Appends a custom more-link to all excerpts, regardless of whether they're auto-generated or pulling manual excerpts from the excerpt field. Note: Automatic excerpts still show the default […] at the end (before the more-link).

Found here:

Initial Title
Append more link to ALL excerpts

Initial Tags
page, wordpress

Initial Language