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Revision: 33246
at October 7, 2010 05:23 by sveggiani

Updated Code
// In the view...

// example array
$test = array(
    'blah' => array (0 => 'werd', 1 => 'hah'),
    'woo' => array(2 => 'yay'),
    'bla' => array(3 => 'hoo', 4 => 'ters'),
    'asdf' => array(5 => 'asdf'), // this item won't appear in the list
    'lksjldkfj' => array(6 => 'asdfasdfasdf'),   

echo $form->input('', array('options' => $zonesList, 'empty' => __('Elegí tu ciudad', true), 'class' => 'selectBox', 'showParents' => true ) ); // note the 'showParents' parameter

Revision: 33245
at October 7, 2010 05:22 by sveggiani

Initial Code
// In the view...

// example array
$test = array(
    'blah' => array (0 => 'werd', 1 => 'hah'),
    'woo' => array(2 => 'yay'),
    'bla' => array(3 => 'hoo', 4 => 'ters'),
    'asdf' => array(5 => 'asdf'), // this item won't appear in the list
    'lksjldkfj' => array(6 => 'asdfasdfasdf'),   

echo $form->input('', array('options' => $zonesList, 'empty' => __('Elegí tu ciudad', true), 'class' => 'selectBox', 'showParents' => true ) ); // note the 'showParents' parameter

Initial URL

Initial Description
This problem occurs when there is a duplicated name for the first level item (optgroup) and a second level item (option). The rendered select will not contain the mentioned option unless you do the following...

Initial Title
cakephp form helper (select) optgroup problem with nested options array

Initial Tags

Initial Language