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Revision: 4364
at December 2, 2007 04:45 by j_junyent

Initial Code
/* Asides */
body.home .category-asides{
	border-left: 4px solid #3bb000;
	padding-left: 1em;
	margin: 0 5% 1.5em 0;
	background-image: none;
body.home .category-asides{
	background-image: none;
	padding-top: 0;
body.home .category-asides .entry-content, body.home .category-asides .entry-content p, body.home .category-asides .entry-meta{
	margin: 0 0.25em 0 0;
	display: inline;
body.home .category-asides .entry-content{
	margin: 0;
body.home .category-asides h2.entry-title, body.home .category-asides .entry-date, body.home .category-asides .entry-social-links, body.home .category-asides .entry-author, body.home .category-asides .metasep, body.home .category-asides .entry-category, body.home .category-asides .entry-commentlink-text{
	display: none;
body.home .category-asides .entry-commentlink a{
	font-size: 114%;
	color: #3bb000;
body.home .category-asides .entry-content a{
	color: #3bb000;
body.home .category-asides .entry-content a:hover, body.home .category-asides .entry-commentlink a:hover{
	background-color: #3bb000;
	color: #fff;

Initial URL

Initial Description
Implement "Asides" in a WordOress blog just with the Sandbox theme and CSS

Initial Title
CSS Asides in WordPress' Sandbox theme

Initial Tags

Initial Language