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Revision: 34071
at October 17, 2010 21:09 by voodoochilo

Updated Code


	PhpDiceCoeff - An Implementation of the Dice-Coefficient in PHP

	Version 0.0.01a
	(C)2010 by Emil Endgut

	This is Friendware, which means that you may use it as if you
	wrote it, after	you became a friend of mine on Facebook.
	Please Visit:

		php dice.php "stringA" "stringB"


$str_a =$argv[1];
$str_b =$argv[2];

echo "dice(\"".$str_a . "\", \"". $str_b. "\") = " . dice($str_a, $str_b) . "\n";

function dice($a, $b)
	$is=array_intersect($az, $bz);
	return 2 * $ic / ($ac + $bc);

function zerleg($str)
		for($i=0 ; $i+$n<=$len ; $i++)
	return $arr;


Revision: 34070
at October 17, 2010 21:06 by voodoochilo

Updated Code


	PhpDiceCoeff - An Implementation of the Dice-Coefficient in PHP

	Version 0.0.01a
	(C)2010 by Emil Endgut

	This is Friendware, which means that you may use it as if you
	wrote it, after	you became a friend of mine on Facebook.
	Please Visit:

		php dice.php "stringA" "stringB"


$str_a =$argv[1];
$str_b =$argv[2];

echo "dice(\"".$str_a . "\", \"". $str_b. "\") = " . dice($str_a, $str_b) . "\n";

function dice($a, $b)
	$is=array_intersect($az, $bz);
	return 2 * $ic / ($ac + $bc);

function zerleg($str)
		for($i=0 ; $i+$n<=$len ; $i++){
	return $arr;


Revision: 34069
at October 16, 2010 12:17 by voodoochilo

Initial Code


	PhpDiceCoeff - An Implementation of the Dice-Coefficient in PHP

	Version 0.0.01a
	(C)2010 by Emil Endgut

	This is Friendware, which means that you may use it as if you
	wrote it, after	you became a friend of mine on Facebook.
	Please Visit:

		php dice.php "stringA" "stringB"


$str_a =$argv[1];
$str_b =$argv[2];

echo "dice(\"".$str_a . "\", \"". $str_b. "\") = " . dice($str_a, $str_b) . "\n";

function dice($a, $b)
	$is=array_intersect($az, $bz);
	return 2 * $ic / ($ac + $bc);

function zerleg($str)
	for($n=2 ; $n<$len ; $n++)
		for($a=0,$l=$n ; $a+$l<=$len ; $a++)
	return $arr;


Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Dice Coefficient in PHP

Initial Tags

Initial Language