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Revision: 34159
at October 18, 2010 19:24 by resting

Initial Code
// Consolidate all styles import into 1 style tag. Solves IE 31 style tag limit
  $styles_document = new DOMDocument();
  $style_elements = $styles_document->getElementsByTagName('style');
  $stylesheets = '';
  $stylesheets2 = '';
  for ($i=0;$i<$style_elements->length;$i++) {
    $stylesheets .= $style_elements->item($i)->nodeValue . "\n";
    if($i == 30) {break;}
  $styles = '<style type="text/css" media="all">' . $stylesheets . "</style>\n";
  for ($i=31;$i<$style_elements->length + 1;$i++) {
    $stylesheets2 .= $style_elements->item($i)->nodeValue . "\n";
    if($i == 60) {break;}
  if($stylesheets2 != '') {
    $styles .= '<style type="text/css" media="all">' . $stylesheets2 . '</style>';
  $vars['styles'] = $styles;

Initial URL

Initial Description
To be placed in template.php preprocess_page function.\\r\\n\\r\\nBreaks stylesheets into 2 style tags with limit of 30 @imports each. IE has a limitation of 31 @imports or 31 style tags. (source: [](

Initial Title
Drupal Overcome IE 31 stylesheet limit

Initial Tags
ie, drupal

Initial Language