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Revision: 34196
at January 19, 2012 07:54 by jvandemerwe

Updated Code
// add a listener to the grid and add the following lines
        this.on('rowcontextmenu',  function(grid, row, e) {
            grid.selectedNode =;  // we need this
            if((row) !== false) {
            ... and the rest of your code ...

        }, this);

Revision: 34195
at October 19, 2010 06:11 by jvandemerwe

Initial Code
// add a listener to the grid and add the following lines
            listeners: {
                scope        : this,
                mousedown    : function(e, t, o) {
                    row = this.grid.view.findRowIndex(t)
                    if((row) !== false) {
                        this.grid.getSelectionModel().selectRow( row );
                ... rest of your listeners ....
// don't forget the scope in the code above                

Initial URL


Initial Description
This refers to Ext JS version 3 !

Initial Title
Extjs - how to select a row in a grid with a right-mouse click

Initial Tags
js, event

Initial Language