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Revision: 34287
at October 20, 2010 11:23 by peterbelsky

Initial Code
scrollTo(0, 0);
var toStart = 'translateX(' + (backwards ? '-' : '') + window.innerWidth + 'px)';
fromPage.css( 'webkitTransform', toStart );
// /HACK
// Define callback to run after animation completes
var callback = function(event){
  // HACK
  fromPage.css( 'webkitTransform', '');
  // /HACK

  // HACK
  if ( === "slide") {
    var toStart = 'translateX(' + (backwards ? '-' : '') + window.innerWidth + 'px)';
    fromPage.css('webkitTransform', toStart);
  // /HACK
  // HACK
  if ( === "slide") {
    fromPage.css('webkitTransform', '');
  // /HACK

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
JQTouch Animation Flicker Bug Fix

Initial Tags

Initial Language