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Revision: 35494
at November 9, 2010 12:42 by alptugan

Initial Code
public function getMainItems():Vector.<VOItem>
    //Length of Main items
    MainItemLn = xml.item.length();
    //Vector class of MainItems
    var MainVO:Vector     = new Vector.<VOItem>(MainItemLn,true);
    for(var i:int = 0; i < MainItemLn; ++i)
        MainVO[i]        = new VOItem();
        MainVO[i].id     = i;
        MainVO[i].title  = xml.item[i].@title;
        MainVO[i].img = xml.item[i].@img;
    return MainVO

//and so on..

Initial URL

Initial Description
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type __AS3__.vec:Vector.<com.Gallery:VOItem> to an unrelated type __AS3__.vec:Vector.

Initial Title
Return Vector Array

Initial Tags
array, function

Initial Language
ActionScript 3