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Revision: 35496
at November 9, 2010 13:46 by resting

Updated Code
function limit_words($string, $word_limit)
    $append = '';
    $words = explode(" ",$string);
    if(count($words) > $word_limit) {
      $append = '...';
    return implode(" ",array_splice($words,0,$word_limit)) . $append;

Revision: 35495
at November 9, 2010 13:43 by resting

Initial Code
function limit_words($string, $word_limit)
    $append = '';
    $words = explode(" ",$string);
    if(count($words)) > $word_limit) {
      $append = '...';
    return implode(" ",array_splice($words,0,$word_limit)) . $append;

Initial URL


Initial Description
modification to [](  

Appends ... if string is truncated.

Initial Title
Modified Word limit function

Initial Tags


Initial Language