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Revision: 36220
at November 19, 2010 19:18 by Activetuts

Initial Code
private var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000); //The time to hold the mouse button down the icon in order to show the delete button
private var tiltTimer:Timer = new Timer(80); //The time of the rotation change, makes the shake effect
private var rotationValue:int = 2; //The rotation desired for the shake
private var tween:Tween; //A tween instance to animate the alert dialog

public function Main():void

/*Hide elements*/
	hideObjects(appIcon.deleteButton, deleteAlert, darkScreen);

/*Add necesary listeners*/
	deleteAlert.cancelBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, cancel);
	deleteAlert.deleteBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, deleteApp);
	appIcon.deleteButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, displayAlert);
	appIcon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopTimer);
	appIcon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pressAndHold);

/*Hide objects function*/
private function hideObjects(...objects):void
	for(var i:int = 0; i < objects.length; i++)
		objects[i].visible = false;

/*Starts the timer when the mouse is down*/
private function pressAndHold(e:MouseEvent):void
	timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, showDeleteButton);

/*If mouse up, timer stops*/
private function stopTimer(e:MouseEvent):void

/*if the hold timer completes, the delete button is shown and the icon shakes*/
private function showDeleteButton(e:TimerEvent):void
	appIcon.deleteButton.visible = true;
	tiltTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, tilt);

/*The shake function, changes the rotation every time the tiltTimer completes*/
private function tilt(e:TimerEvent):void
	appIcon.rotation = rotationValue;
	rotationValue *=  -1;

/*if the delete button is pressed the alert is shown*/
private function displayAlert(e:MouseEvent):void
	deleteAlert.visible = true;
	darkScreen.visible = true;
	tween = new Tween(deleteAlert,"scaleX",Back.easeOut,0.3,1,0.5,true);
	tween = new Tween(deleteAlert,"scaleY",Back.easeOut,0.3,1,0.5,true);

/*removes the icon if the delete button in the alert is clicked*/
private function deleteApp(e:MouseEvent):void
	hideObjects(appIcon, deleteAlert, darkScreen);

/* removes the alert, stops the tilt and doesn't remove the icon, called by the cancel button*/
private function cancel(e:MouseEvent):void
	hideObjects(appIcon.deleteButton, deleteAlert, darkScreen);
	appIcon.rotation = 0;

Initial URL

Initial Description
How to create a delete effect inspired by the iPhone iOS interface. By Carlos Yanez.

Initial Title
Remove an Object, iPhone App Style

Initial Tags
object, iphone, ios

Initial Language
ActionScript 3