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Revision: 36319
at June 25, 2011 04:52 by rumremix

Updated Code
CAMLRowLimit: 4,

<Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name="Active" /><Value Type="Boolean">1</Value></Eq></Where><RowLimit>6</RowLimit></Query>

Revision: 36318
at November 20, 2010 11:43 by rumremix

Initial Code
CAMLRowLimit: 4,

Initial URL


Initial Description
First option uses a parameter in <a href="">spservices method</a> to limit the results to four.  Second option limits the results returned to six in the caml query iteslf using the &lt;RowLimit&gt; property.

Initial Title
Sharepoint: limit the results in caml query

Initial Tags
query, sharepoint

Initial Language