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Revision: 36679
at November 24, 2010 23:44 by jwielandt

Updated Code
#include <Windows.h>

//define a functor
typedef void __stdcall (*F_functionName)(int arg1, int arg2);

HANDLE  handle = LoadLibrary("LibraryName.dll");
if(handle == NULL) {

//assing value to funtor
F_functionName functionName = (F_functionName ) GetProcAddress(handle, "FunctionName");

//use function

//free library when nog longer needed

Revision: 36678
at November 24, 2010 22:25 by jwielandt

Updated Code
#include <Windows.h>

//define a functor
typedef DWORD  __stdcall (*F_functionName)(PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo, PULONG pOutBufLen);

HANDLE  handle = LoadLibrary("LibraryName.dll");
if(handle == NULL) {

//assing value to funtor
F_functionName functionName = (Dev_GetAdaptersInfo) GetProcAddress(handle, "FunctionName");

//free library when nog longer needed

Revision: 36677
at November 24, 2010 21:32 by jwielandt

Initial Code
//define a functor
typedef DWORD  __stdcall (*F_functionName)(PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo, PULONG pOutBufLen);

HANDLE  handle;
if((long)(handle = LoadLibrary("LibraryName.dll") < 32) {

//assing value to funtor
F_functionName functionName = (Dev_GetAdaptersInfo) GetProcAddress(handle, "FunctionName");

//free library when nog longer needed

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
load library windows

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Initial Language