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Revision: 36787
at November 26, 2010 17:52 by olwarpaint

Updated Code
var COUNT:int = 10;

var a:Array = new Array( COUNT ); //Vector.<Number> = Vector.<Number>( new Array( COUNT ));
//a.fixed = true;

var writeTo:Object;

var i:int;

while ( i < COUNT )
	writeTo = a[ i ]; //testing that we indeed have access to the index
	a[ i ] = Math.random();
	writeTo = a[ i++ ];

while ( i >= 0 )
	a.pop(); //if a is a Vector, this will throw a run-time error

Revision: 36786
at November 26, 2010 17:36 by olwarpaint

Initial Code
var COUNT:int = 10;

var a:Array = new Array( COUNT ); //Vector.<Number> = Vector.<Number>( new Array( COUNT ));
var writeTo:Object;

var i:int;

while ( i < COUNT )
	writeTo = a[ i ]; //testing that we indeed have access to the index
	a[ i ] = Math.random();
	writeTo = a[ i++ ];

while ( i >= 0 )

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
no fixed length Arrays in as3

Initial Tags

Initial Language
ActionScript 3