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Revision: 37213
at December 6, 2010 10:08 by Bluz

Updated Code
<p>Welcome to the [yellow]<strong>INSIGHT - 10 in 1 Premium Portfolio Wordpress Theme.</strong>[/yellow] Take a look around the site and the different pages I promise you will like it.</p>
[button link="#"]Learn More[/button]

Revision: 37212
at December 6, 2010 09:36 by Bluz

Initial Code
<p>Welcome to the [yellow]<strong>INSIGHT - 10 in 1 Premium Portfolio Wordpress Theme.</strong>[/yellow] Take a look around the site and the different pages I promise you will like it.</p>
[button link="#"]Learn More[/button]

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Insight Wordpress Theme - Welcome Box content sample code

Initial Tags

Initial Language