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Revision: 4619
at January 13, 2008 18:04 by amosshapira

Initial Code
$ARGV[0] = '.' unless @ARGV;
for my $dir (@ARGV) {
  opendir DIR, $dir or die "$dir: $!\n";
  $file =~ m:^\.: or ++$count
    while ($file = readdir DIR);
  closedir DIR;
print "$count\n";
exit 0;

Initial URL

Initial Description
In response to a very simplistic solution suggestion using Shell, here is a basic version of what I use. The advantage of the solution below is that it is supposed to be much faster on directories with many files (I regularly use its full-blown version on directories with tens and hundreds of thousands of files).

Initial Title
Count directory entries in given directories

Initial Tags
file, directory, perl

Initial Language