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Revision: 38854
at January 8, 2011 22:55 by ZaiSL

Initial Code
function strip_html_tags( $text )
    $text = preg_replace(
          // Remove invisible content
          // Add line breaks before and after blocks
            ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
$0", "
$0", "
$0", "
$0", "
$0", "
$0", "
        $text );
    // you can exclude some html tags here, in this case B and A tags       
    return strip_tags( $text , '<b><a>' );

Initial URL

Initial Description
strip_tags is a default HTML Tag stripper in PHP. However, it can't strip some of the tags, so this enhanced version called strip_html_tags will remove more html elements.

Initial Title
Strip HTML Tags Function for PHP

Initial Tags

Initial Language