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Revision: 39605
at January 19, 2011 02:25 by parkerkrhoyt

Initial Code
<cfset highrise = ""/>
<cfset username = "YOUR_TOKEN"/>
<cfset password = "X"/>

<!--- Remove JsafeJCE Provider --->
<cfset security = CreateObject( "java", "" )/>
<cfset provider = security.getProvider( "JsafeJCE" )/>
<cfset security.removeProvider( "JsafeJCE" )/>

<!--- Do the call --->
<cfhttp url="#highrise#" method="get" username="#username#" password="#password#">
  <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Accept" value="application/xml"/>
  <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="application/xml"/>

<!--- Put it back (not sure if this is needed.) --->  
<cfset security.insertProviderAt( provider, 1 )/>  

<cfdump var="#CFHTTP.FileContent#"/>

Initial URL

Initial Description
Accessing the 37signals product Highrise API requires HTTPS.  I initially had problems with this (seemingly the certificate authority) from ColdFusion initially.  Found the solution by tapping into the underlying Java layer to manage the providers.

Initial Title
Access the Highrise API with ColdFusion

Initial Tags

Initial Language