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Revision: 4924
at January 29, 2008 12:40 by jaytee

Updated Code
$mbl = new MyBlogLog($app_id,$community_id);
$mbl->cache_dir = "temp/mbl-cache";
if (!$results = $mbl->communityMembersList(null,4))
	echo "There was an error communicating with the MyBlogLog API.  Please try again.";

Revision: 4923
at January 29, 2008 12:39 by jaytee

Initial Code
$mbl = new MyBlogLog($app_id,$raven_id);
$mbl->cache_dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/blog/mbl-cache";
if (!$results = $mbl->communityMembersList(null,4))
	echo "There was an error communicating with the MyBlogLog API.  Please try again.";

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
PHPMyBlogLog Usage

Initial Tags
textmate, api

Initial Language