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Revision: 40451
at February 2, 2011 08:14 by whak

Initial Code


<script type="text/javascript"> 
   var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); 
   document.write("<script src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'>" + "</sc" + "ript>"); 

<script type='text/javascript'>
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-1-1");

// This is a function that I "borrowed" from the urchin.js file.
// It parses a string and returns a value.  I used it to get
// data from the __utmz cookie
function _uGC(l,n,s) {
 if (!l || l=="" || !n || n=="" || !s || s=="") return "-";
 var i,i2,i3,c="-";
 if (i > -1) {
  i2=l.indexOf(s,i); if (i2 < 0) { i2=l.length; }
 return c;

// Get the __utmz cookie value. This is the cookies that 
// stores all campaign information. 
var z = _uGC(document.cookie, '__utmz=', ';'); 
// The cookie has a number of name-value pairs. 
// Each identifies an aspect of the campaign. 
// utmcsr  = campaign source 
// utmcmd  = campaign medium 
// utmctr  = campaign term (keyword) 
// utmcct  = campaign content  
// utmccn  = campaign name 
// utmgclid = unique identifier used when AdWords auto tagging is enabled 
// This is very basic code. It separates the campaign-tracking cookie 
// and populates a variable with each piece of campaign info. 
var source  = _uGC(z, 'utmcsr=', '|'); 
var medium  = _uGC(z, 'utmcmd=', '|'); 
var term    = _uGC(z, 'utmctr=', '|'); 
var content = _uGC(z, 'utmcct=', '|'); 
var campaign = _uGC(z, 'utmccn=', '|'); 
var gclid   = _uGC(z, 'utmgclid=', '|'); 
// The gclid is ONLY present when auto tagging has been enabled. 
// All other variables, except the term variable, will be '(not set)'. 
// Because the gclid is only present for Google AdWords we can 
// populate some other variables that would normally 
// be left blank. 
if (gclid !="-") { 
      source = 'google'; 
      medium = 'cpc'; 
// Data from the custom segmentation cookie can also be passed 
// back to your server via a hidden form field 
var csegment = _uGC(document.cookie, '__utmv=', ';'); 
if (csegment != '-') { 
      var csegmentex = /[1-9]*?\.(.*)/;
      csegment    = csegment.match(csegmentex); 
      csegment    = csegment[1]; 
} else { 
      csegment = '(not set)'; 

// One more bonus piece of information.  
// We're going to extract the number of visits that the visitor
// has generated.  It's also stored in a cookie, the __utma cookis
var a = _uGC(document.cookie, '__utma=', ';');
var aParts = a.split(".");
var nVisits = aParts[5];

function populateHiddenFields(f) { 
      f.source.value  = source; 
      f.medium.value  = medium; 
      f.term.value    = term; 
      f.content.value = content; 
      f.campaign.value = campaign; 
      f.segment.value = csegment; 
      f.numVisits.value = nVisits;

      alert('custom segment='+f.segment.value); 
      alert('number of visits='+f.numVisits.value);

      return false; 


<h3>There is a hidden form on this page that contains values From the GA tracking
cookies.  Click the button to show the extracted values.</h3>

<form method="POST" name='contactform' onSubmit="populateHiddenFields(this);"> 
<input type='hidden' name='source' /> 
<input type='hidden' name='medium' /> 
<input type='hidden' name='term' /> 
<input type='hidden' name='content' /> 
<input type='hidden' name='campaign' /> 
<input type='hidden' name='segment' />
<input type='hidden' name='numVisits' />
<input type='submit' value='Show GA Info' /> 


Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Integrating Google Analytics with a CRM

Initial Tags
javascript, google

Initial Language