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Revision: 40726
at February 6, 2011 05:55 by christianjunk

Initial Code
EllipticArcClass ellipticalArc = new EllipticArcClass();

IEnvelope env = new EnvelopeClass();

IPoint lowerLeft = new PointClass();

lowerLeft.X = centerPoint.X - width;

lowerLeft.Y = centerPoint.Y - height;

IPoint upperRight = new PointClass();

upperRight.X = centerPoint.X + width;

upperRight.Y = centerPoint.Y + height;

env.LowerLeft = lowerLeft;

env.UpperRight = upperRight;


IGraphicTrackerSymbol graphicTrackerSymbol = this.graphicTracker.CreateSymbol(simpleFillSymbol, null);

int shapeId = this.graphicTracker.Add(ellipticalArc, graphicTrackerSymbol);

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
How to create a circle with ArcEngine?

Initial Tags

Initial Language