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Revision: 40727
at February 6, 2011 05:59 by MaRmAR

Initial Code
// To save variable to ELS (EncryptedLocalStore)
var str:String = "Bob"; 
var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); 
EncryptedLocalStore.setItem("firstName", bytes);

// Read it from ELS
var storedValue:ByteArray = EncryptedLocalStore.getItem("firstName"); 
trace(storedValue.readUTFBytes(storedValue.length)); // traces "Bob"

// Remove it from ELS

// Remove EVERY data from ELS

Initial URL

Initial Description
Adobe AIR offers an ability to save small snippets of data locally (eg. users' settings). Works also on Android. EncryptedLocalStore is stored encrypted using AES-CBC 128-bit method. It is not recommended to store more than 10 MB of data because of reading/decrypting speed of AIR.

Initial Title
Adobe AIR: Save snippets of data locally

Initial Tags
data, android

Initial Language
ActionScript 3