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Revision: 40803
at February 8, 2011 06:54 by jeffnehlsen

Initial Code
	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	 * ...
	 * @author Jeff Nehlsen
	public class CustomEventExample extends MovieClip 
		public function CustomEventExample() 
			// Add an event handler for both types of events in my CustomEvent class
			addEventListener(CustomEvent.EVENT_DEFAULT, onDefaultEvent);
			addEventListener(CustomEvent.EVENT_CUSTOM, onCustomEvent);
			// Dispatch the 'default' event
			dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent());
			// Dispatch a 'custom' event.
			dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CustomEvent.EVENT_CUSTOM));
		// When a custom event is caught, a message will show.
		private function onCustomEvent(e:CustomEvent):void 
			trace("Custom event caught!");
		// When a default evnet is caught, this message will show.
		private function onDefaultEvent(e:CustomEvent):void 
			trace("Default event caught!");


Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
AS3 Custom Event Dispatching

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Initial Language