Revision: 40814
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at February 8, 2011 10:03 by Turek
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function MYTHEME_preprocess_node(&$vars, $hook) { if (isset($vars['field_author']['und']) && is_array($vars['field_author']['und'])) { $vars['submitted'] = t('Submitted by !username on @datetime', array( '!username' => MYTHEME_article_authors($vars['field_author']['und']), '@datetime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $vars['created']) )); } else { $vars['submitted'] = t('Submitted by !username on @datetime', array( '!username' => t('Anonymous'), '@datetime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $vars['created']) )); } } function MYTHEME_article_authors($uids) { $authors = array(); if (count($uids)) { foreach($uids as $author) { $user = user_load($author['uid']); if ($user->uid) { $authors[] = l($user->name, 'user/' . $user->uid); } } } if (count($authors) > 1) { return implode(', ', $authors); } if (count($authors == 1)) { return $authors[0]; } return t('Anonymous'); }
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I have to migrate from my old Drupal 5 site, that had multiple authors assigned to one node, and this is the solution for __Drupal 7__. First of all you will need to download [__References__]( module and enable __User Reference__. Then go to your module (*sites\all\modules\\references\\*) and edit file *user\_reference\user\_reference.module* at line number __481__ as it has an error. Change line: *$query->condition($user\_uid\_alias, $ids, 'IN', $ids);* to this: *$query->condition("u.$user\_uid\_alias", $ids, 'IN', $ids);* Now go to your theme, and edit __template.php__ file adding this lines.
Initial Title
Drupal 7 Node with multiple authors
Initial Tags
php, drupal
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