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Revision: 41347
at March 14, 2011 23:35 by stz184

Updated Code
class logger {
	private $file;
	private $error = false;
	function __construct($file) {
		if(file_exists($file) && ((filesize($file) / 1024) > 1024)) {
			$dirname = dirname($file);
			$filename = basename($file);
			$newname = $dirname.'/'.date('d.m.Y').'_'.$filename;
			if(!rename($file, $newname)) {
				$this->error = 'Can\'t rename the old log file';
			foreach (glob($dirname.'/*.log') as $logfile) {
				//ако има стари логове на повече от 1 месец
				if(filemtime($logfile) < (time() - (30 * 24 * 3600))) {
			file_put_contents($file, '');
		elseif(!file_exists($file)) {
			file_put_contents($file, '');
		$this->file = $file;
	function log_start() {
		$msg_start = 'Start time: '.date('d.m.Y h:i:s').PHP_EOL;
		if(!file_put_contents($this->file, $msg_start, FILE_APPEND)) {
			$this->error = 'Can\'t write to log';

	function log_message($message) {
		$message = $message.PHP_EOL;
		if(!file_put_contents($this->file, $message, FILE_APPEND)) {
			$this->error = 'Can\'t write to log';
	function log_end() {
		$msg_end  = 'End time: '.date('d.m.Y h:i:s').PHP_EOL;
		$msg_end .= '-------------------------------'.PHP_EOL;
		if(!file_put_contents($this->file, $msg_end, FILE_APPEND)) {
			$this->error = 'Can\'t write to log';
	function is_error() {
		if($this->error != false) {
			return true;
		return false;
	function get_error() {
		return $this->error;
example usage 

$log = new logger('/path/to/log.txt'); //if file doesnt exiists, will be created
$log->log_start(); //this will insert timestap to mark the beginning
if($sallary < $work) {
	$log->log_message('Not acceptable sallary/work ratio');
$log->log_end(); //this will insert timestap to mark the end of current log


Revision: 41346
at February 16, 2011 20:34 by stz184

Updated Code
class logger {
	private $file;
	private $error = false;
	function __construct($file) {
		if(file_exists($file) && (filesize($file) / 1024) > 1024) {
			$dirname = dirname($file);
			$filename = basename($file);
			$newname = $dirname.'/'.date('d.m.Y').'_'.$filename;
			if(!rename($file, $newname)) {
				$this->error = 'Can\'t rename the old log file';
			foreach (glob($dirname.'/*.log') as $logfile) {
			if(filemtime($dirname.'/'.$logfile) < (time() - (30 * 24 * 3600))) {
		else {
			file_put_contents($file, '');
		$this->file = $file;
	function log_start() {
		$msg_start = 'Start time: '.date('d.m.Y h:i:s').PHP_EOL;
		if(!file_put_contents($this->file, $msg_start, FILE_APPEND)) {
			$this->error = 'Can\'t write to log';

	function log_message($message) {
		$message = $message.PHP_EOL;
		if(!file_put_contents($this->file, $message, FILE_APPEND)) {
			$this->error = 'Can\'t write to log';
	function log_end() {
		$msg_end  = 'End time: '.date('d.m.Y h:i:s').PHP_EOL;
		$msg_end .= '-------------------------------'.PHP_EOL;
		if(!file_put_contents($this->file, $msg_end, FILE_APPEND)) {
			$this->error = 'Can\'t write to log';
	function is_error() {
		if($this->error != false) {
			return true;
		return false;
	function get_error() {
		return $this->error;
example usage 

$log = new logger('/path/to/log.log'); //if file doesnt exiists, will be created
$log->log_start(); //this will insert timestap to mark the beginning
if($sallary < $work) {
	$log->log_message('Not acceptable sallary/work ratio');
$log->log_end(); //this will insert timestap to mark the end of current log


Revision: 41345
at February 16, 2011 19:36 by stz184

Updated Code
class logger {
	private $file;
	private $error = false;
	function __construct($file) {
		if(file_exists($file) && (filesize($file) / 1024) > 1024) {
			$dirname = dirname($file);
			$filename = basename($file);
			$newname = $dirname.'/'.date('d.m.Y').'_'.$filename;
			if(!rename($file, $newname)) {
				$this->error = 'Can\'t rename the old log file';
			foreach (glob("*.log") as $logfile) {
			if(filemtime($dirname.'/'.$logfile) < (time() - (30 * 24 * 3600))) {
		else {
			file_put_contents($file, '');
		$this->file = $file;
	function log_start() {
		$msg_start = 'Start time: '.date('d.m.Y h:i:s').PHP_EOL;
		if(!file_put_contents($this->file, $msg_start, FILE_APPEND)) {
			$this->error = 'Can\'t write to log';

	function log_message($message) {
		$message = $message.PHP_EOL;
		if(!file_put_contents($this->file, $message, FILE_APPEND)) {
			$this->error = 'Can\'t write to log';
	function log_end() {
		$msg_end  = 'End time: '.date('d.m.Y h:i:s').PHP_EOL;
		$msg_end .= '-------------------------------'.PHP_EOL;
		if(!file_put_contents($this->file, $msg_end, FILE_APPEND)) {
			$this->error = 'Can\'t write to log';
	function is_error() {
		if($this->error != false) {
			return true;
		return false;
	function get_error() {
		return $this->error;
example usage 

$log = new logger('/path/to/log.log'); //if file doesnt exiists, will be created
$log->log_start(); //this will insert timestap to mark the beginning
if($sallary < $work) {
	$log->log_message('Not acceptable sallary/work ratio');
$log->log_end(); //this will insert timestap to mark the end of current log


Revision: 41344
at February 16, 2011 19:34 by stz184

Initial Code
class logger {
	private $file;
	private $error = false;
	function __construct($file) {
		if(file_exists($file) && (filesize($file) / 1024) > 1024) {
			$dirname = dirname($file);
			$filename = basename($file);
			$newname = $dirname.'/'.date('d.m.Y').'_'.$filename;
			if(!rename($file, $newname)) {
				$this->error = 'Can\'t rename the old log file';
			foreach (glob("*.log") as $logfile) {
			//ако има стари логове на повече от 1 месец
			if(filemtime($dirname.'/'.$logfile) < (time() - (30 * 24 * 3600))) {
		else {
			file_put_contents($file, '');
		$this->file = $file;
	function log_start() {
		$msg_start = 'Start time: '.date('d.m.Y h:i:s').PHP_EOL;
		if(!file_put_contents($this->file, $msg_start, FILE_APPEND)) {
			$this->error = 'Can\'t write to log';

	function log_message($message) {
		$message = $message.PHP_EOL;
		if(!file_put_contents($this->file, $message, FILE_APPEND)) {
			$this->error = 'Can\'t write to log';
	function log_end() {
		$msg_end  = 'End time: '.date('d.m.Y h:i:s').PHP_EOL;
		$msg_end .= '-------------------------------'.PHP_EOL;
		if(!file_put_contents($this->file, $msg_end, FILE_APPEND)) {
			$this->error = 'Can\'t write to log';
	function is_error() {
		if($this->error != false) {
			return true;
		return false;
	function get_error() {
		return $this->error;
example usage 

$log = new logger('/path/to/log.txt'); //if file doesnt exiists, will be created
$log->log_start(); //this will insert timestap to mark the beginning
if($sallary < $work) {
	$log->log_message('Not acceptable sallary/work ratio');
$log->log_end(); //this will insert timestap to mark the end of current log


Initial URL

Initial Description
This class can log messages to a file. If the log file becomes too large (over 1MB), the class will archive it and will create new. If there are archives older than one month, they will be deleted automatically. 
In the future versions I will add the opportunity to set max log size and max time to keep the archives.

Initial Title
Logging class (Log messages to a file)

Initial Tags
class, file, log

Initial Language