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Revision: 41428
at February 17, 2011 21:06 by ashsa

Updated Code
# command: rename <options> 's/<old>/<new>/ <where>

# first testing with param -n
rename -n 's/(\w+)\s(.*)\.pdf/$1\.pdf/' *

# placeholder $1 is the first group matched, etc

# execute with verbose
rename -v 's/(\w+)\s(.*)\.pdf/$1\.pdf/' *

Revision: 41427
at February 17, 2011 21:05 by ashsa

Initial Code
# command: rename -v 's/old/new/ <where>

# first testing with param -n
rename -n 's/(\w+)\s(.*)\.pdf/$1\.pdf/' *

# placeholder $1 is the first group matched, etc

# execute with verbose
rename -v 's/(\w+)\s(.*)\.pdf/$1\.pdf/' *

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
bulk rename with \'rename\' command on linux

Initial Tags

Initial Language