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Revision: 5064
at February 8, 2008 09:37 by pmatrasc

Updated Code
public static String getFileExtension(String fileName) {
        File tmpFile = new File(fileName);
        int whereDot = tmpFile.getName().lastIndexOf('.');
        if (0 < whereDot && whereDot <= tmpFile.getName().length() - 2 ) {
            return tmpFile.getName().substring(whereDot+1);
        return "";

Revision: 5063
at February 8, 2008 09:07 by pmatrasc

Initial Code
public static String getFileExtension(String fileName) {
        File tmpFile = new File(fileName);
        int whereDot = tmpFile.getName().lastIndexOf('.');
        if (0 < whereDot && whereDot <= tmpFile.getName().length() - 2 ) {
            return tmpFile.getName().substring(0, whereDot+1);
        return "";

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Extract the extension of a file  from a full pathname

Initial Tags
file, files, extension

Initial Language