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Revision: 41922
at February 24, 2011 23:14 by roflman79

Initial Code
function get_twitter($username){
	/* From */

	$prefix = "<p>";
	$suffix = "</p>";

	$feed = "" . $username . "&rpp=1";

	function parse_feed($feed) {
	    $stepOne = explode("<content type=\"html\">", $feed);
	    $stepTwo = explode("</content>", $stepOne[1]);
	    $tweet = $stepTwo[0];
	    $tweet = str_replace("&lt;", "<", $tweet);
	    $tweet = str_replace("&gt;", ">", $tweet);
		$tweet = str_replace('&apos;', "‘", $tweet);
	    return $tweet;
	function curr_date($feed) {
	    $stepOne = explode("<updated>", $feed);
	    $stepTwo = explode("</updated>", $stepOne[1]);
	    $tweet_time = $stepTwo[0];
	    return $tweet_time;
	/* If your running PHP > 5.3 you need to set this or your app will throw errors */

	/* Added from Skidoosh at */

	function twitter_time_format ($date) {

		$blocks = array (
			array('year',  (3600 * 24 * 365)),
			array('month', (3600 * 24 * 30)),
			array('week',  (3600 * 24 * 7)),
			array('day',   (3600 * 24)),
			array('hour',  (3600)),
			array('min',   (60)),
			array('sec',   (1))

		#Get the time from the function arg and the time now
		$argtime = strtotime($date);
		$nowtime = time();

		#Get the time diff in seconds
		$diff    = $nowtime - $argtime;

		#Store the results of the calculations
		$res = array ();

		#Calculate the largest unit of time
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($blocks); $i++) {
			$title = $blocks[$i][0];
			$calc  = $blocks[$i][1];
			$units = floor($diff / $calc);
			if ($units > 0) {
				$res[$title] = $units;

		if (isset($res['year']) && $res['year'] > 0) {
			if (isset($res['month']) && $res['month'] > 0 && $res['month'] < 12) {
				$format      = "About %s %s %s %s ago";
				$year_label  = $res['year'] > 1 ? 'years' : 'year';
				$month_label = $res['month'] > 1 ? 'months' : 'month';
				return sprintf($format, $res['year'], $year_label, $res['month'], $month_label);
			} else {
				$format     = "About %s %s ago";
				$year_label = $res['year'] > 1 ? 'years' : 'year';
				return sprintf($format, $res['year'], $year_label);

		if (isset($res['month']) && $res['month'] > 0) {
			if (isset($res['day']) && $res['day'] > 0 && $res['day'] < 31) {
				$format      = "About %s %s %s %s ago";
				$month_label = $res['month'] > 1 ? 'months' : 'month';
				$day_label   = $res['day'] > 1 ? 'days' : 'day';
				return sprintf($format, $res['month'], $month_label, $res['day'], $day_label);
			} else {
				$format      = "About %s %s ago";
				$month_label = $res['month'] > 1 ? 'months' : 'month';
				return sprintf($format, $res['month'], $month_label);

		if (isset($res['day']) && $res['day'] > 0) {
			if ($res['day'] == 1) {
				return sprintf("Yesterday at %s", date('h:i a', $argtime));
			if ($res['day'] <= 7) {
				return date("\L\a\s\\t l \a\\t h:i a", $argtime);
			if ($res['day'] <= 31) {
				return date("l \a\\t h:i a", $argtime);

		if (isset($res['hour']) && $res['hour'] > 0) {
			if ($res['hour'] > 1) {
				return sprintf("About %s hours ago", $res['hour']);
			} else {
				return "About an hour ago";

		if (isset($res['min']) && $res['min']) {
			if ($res['min'] == 1) {
				return "About one minut ago";
			} else {
				return sprintf("About %s minuts ago", $res['min']);

		if (isset ($res['sec']) && $res['sec'] > 0) {
			if ($res['sec'] == 1) {
				return "One second ago";
			} else {
				return sprintf("%s seconds ago", $res['sec']);

	$twitterFeed = file_get_contents($feed);
	return stripslashes($prefix) . parse_feed($twitterFeed) . stripslashes($suffix).'<p class="tweet_time">'.twitter_time_format(curr_date($twitterFeed)).'</p>';

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Twitter Function for Wordpress

Initial Tags
php, wordpress, function, twitter

Initial Language