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Revision: 42344
at March 3, 2011 15:01 by wildpeaks

Initial Code
function mymodule_init(){
	global $custom_theme;
	$custom_theme = 'garland';

 * Defines a theme callback function per registered path.
function mymodule_menu_alter(&$items) {
	$items['node/%node']['theme callback'] = 'mymodule_default_node_theme';

	$items['node/%node/edit']['theme callback'] = 'mymodule_edit_node_theme';
	$items['node/%node/edit']['theme arguments'] = array(1);

 * Theme name callback: without parameters.
function mymodule_default_node_theme() {
	return 'garland';

 * Theme name callback: with parameters.
function mymodule_edit_node_theme($node) {
	return $node->type == 'page' ? 'seven' : mymodule_default_node_theme();

 * Use hook_custom_theme() if the choice of theme doesn't depend on the path.
function mymodule_custom_theme() {

	//Example: Changes the theme name depending if the user has a special role or not.
	global $user;
	if (in_array(variable_get('mymodule_special_role', 0), array_keys($user->roles))) {
		return 'bartik';

Initial URL

Initial Description
**Important: this snipplet has moved to Github.**

 - [Programmatically change the active theme in Drupal 6](
 - [Programmatically change the active theme in Drupal 7](

Initial Title
Drupal (6 & 7): programmatically change the active theme

Initial Tags

Initial Language