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Revision: 5143
at February 14, 2008 00:34 by jags_sonawane

Initial Code
public bool InvalidChars(string sInput)
     bool functionReturnValue = false;
     //Declare variables
     object sBadChars;
     object iCounter;
     //Set functionReturnValue to False
     functionReturnValue = false;
     //Create an array of invalid characters and words
     sBadChars = array("select", "drop", ";", "--", "insert", "delete", "xp_", "#", "%", 

     "'", "(", ")", "/", "\\", ":", ";", "<", ">", "=",
     "[", "]", "?", "`", "|");
     //Loop through array sBadChars using our counter & UBound function
     for (iCounter = 0; iCounter <= Information.uBound(sBadChars); iCounter++) {
         //Use Function Instr to check presence of illegal character in our variable
         if (Strings.Instr(sInput, sBadChars(iCounter)) > 0) {
             functionReturnValue = true;
     return functionReturnValue;

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Initial Description

Initial Title
String Validation for Sqlinjection

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