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Revision: 43049
at March 15, 2011 21:58 by kodomonster

Updated Code
//set the document domain
document.domain = '';

//resize the iframe
function parent_resize()
parent.resize_iframe("idofiframe", document.getElementById('wrapper').offsetHeight);

<body onload="parent_resize();">
<div id="wrapper">

Revision: 43048
at March 15, 2011 21:57 by kodomonster

Updated Code
document.domain = '';
function parent_resize()
parent.resize_iframe("idofiframe", document.getElementById('wrapper').offsetHeight);

<body onload="parent_resize();">
<div id="wrapper">

Revision: 43047
at March 15, 2011 21:51 by kodomonster

Initial Code
document.domain = '';
function parent_resize()
parent.resize_iframe("idofiframe", document.getElementById('wrapper').offsetHeight);

<body onload="parent_resize();">

Initial URL

Initial Description
Resize iframe height.  This means if the content of your iframe is longer than the iframe height, and the iframe doesn't have a scrollbar, you can resize the height of the iframe so the content is viewed.

Initial Title
Resize Iframe Height with Javascript

Initial Tags

Initial Language