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Revision: 43192
at March 18, 2011 18:36 by erraja_07

Initial Code
/*** Send Colleague Inivtation - STARTS ***/
function colleagueInvitation(form_obj)
	var message = $("#message_box_colleague").val();

	// first hide any error messages
	var selected_items = $("#colleague_selected_email_container div").size()
	// Form Validations 
	  $(".common_error").html('Select atleast one Colleague');		  			  
	  $("#selected_emails:tr first").focus();
	else if(message == "") {
	  $("label#message_box_colleague_error").html('This field is Required');		  			  
	  return false;
		var str = $("#";
		   type: "POST",
			url: "community/send_invitation.php",
			data: str,
			success: function(msg)
				.animate({opacity: 1.0}, 3000)
				.fadeOut('slow', function() {
/* ----- ENDS ----- */
/* ----- HTML PART ----- */

					<br clear="all"/><p><label class="error" for="attach_link_url" id="attach_link_url_error" style="display:none; color:red; font-weight:normal;"></label></p>

Initial URL


Initial Description


Initial Title
JQuery AJAX with Validation - Scripts

Initial Tags


Initial Language