Revision: 43359
Updated Code
at March 22, 2011 16:20 by anagaiyahoocom
Updated Code
function makeArray(items) { try { //this converts object into an array in non-ie browsers return; } catch (ex) { var i = 0, len = items.length, result = Array(len); while(i < len) { result[i] = items[i]; i++; } return result; } } var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); var inp = makeArray(inputs);
Revision: 43358
Initial Code
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at March 22, 2011 16:12 by anagaiyahoocom
Initial Code
function makeArray(items) { try { //this converts object into an array in non-ie browsers return; } catch (ex) { var i = 0, len = items.length, result = Array(len); while(i < len) { result[i] = items[i]; i++; } return result; } }
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Initial Description
Some HTMLCollection objects such as returned from document.getElementsByTagName() look like arrays but are not. You will need to run the object through to convert to an actual array. This function will convert array like objects into a real array. IE does not support The try-catch will genereate an exception and convert object to an array with a loop for IE.
Initial Title
Convert Array Like Object to an Array
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