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Revision: 44093
at April 6, 2011 05:14 by anagaiyahoocom

Initial Code
    // define the path and name of cached file
    $cachefile = 'cached-files/'.date('M-d-Y').'.php';
    // define how long we want to keep the file in seconds. I set mine to 5 hours.
    $cachetime = 18000;
    // Check if the cached file is still fresh. If it is, serve it up and exit.
    if (file_exists($cachefile) && time() - $cachetime < filemtime($cachefile)) {
    // if there is either no file OR the file to too old, render the page and capture the HTML.
        output all your html here.
    // We're done! Save the cached content to a file
    $fp = fopen($cachefile, 'w');
    fwrite($fp, ob_get_contents());
    // finally send browser output

Initial URL

Initial Description
Use this to page cache your pages. Will save page output to a file. Will check file modified date to get from file or retrieve again

Initial Title
Simple Page Caching

Initial Tags

Initial Language