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Revision: 44462
at April 12, 2011 06:32 by Haddman

Updated Code
function register( $user, $pass, $pass2 )
	if ( isset( $_POST['register'] ) )
                //Escape is a function with mysql_real_escape_string() and more
		$user = escape( $user );
		$pass = escape( $pass );
		$pass2 = escape( $pass2 );
		if ( empty( $user ) )
			$error = "Username missing!";
		else if ( empty( $pass ) )
			$error = "Password missing!";
		else if ( empty( $pass2 ) )
			$error = "Please repeat your password!";
		else if ( $pass != $pass2 )
			$error = "Your passwords do not match!";
		else if ( strlen( $user ) > 25 )
			$error = "Username is to long, 25 characters max!";
		else if ( strlen( $pass ) > 25 )
			$error = "Password is to long, 25 characters max!";
		else if ( strlen( $pass ) < 5 )
			$error = "Password is to short, 5 characters min!";
                //I use trim to check if a user has a username with only whitespace, not using regex since having a whitespace in the username should be ok
		else if ( trim( $user ) == "" )
			$error = "Usernames only containing white-spaces is not allowed!";
			$fetch = mysql_query( "SELECT `user` FROM `user` WHERE `user` = '".$user."'" ) or die ( mysql_error() );
			if ( mysql_num_rows( $fetch ) != 0 )
				$error = "That username is already taken!";
				$pass = md5( $pass );
				mysql_query( "INSERT INTO `user` ( `user`, `pass` ) VALUES ( '".$user."', '".$pass."' )" ) or die ( mysql_error() );

Revision: 44461
at April 12, 2011 06:28 by Haddman

Initial Code
function register( $user, $pass, $pass2 )
	if ( isset( $_POST['register'] ) )
		$user = escape( $user );
		$pass = escape( $pass );
		$pass2 = escape( $pass2 );
		if ( empty( $user ) )
			$error = "Username missing!";
		else if ( empty( $pass ) )
			$error = "Password missing!";
		else if ( empty( $pass2 ) )
			$error = "Please repeat your password!";
		else if ( $pass != $pass2 )
			$error = "Your passwords do not match!";
		else if ( strlen( $user ) > 25 )
			$error = "Username is to long, 25 characters max!";
		else if ( strlen( $pass ) > 25 )
			$error = "Password is to long, 25 characters max!";
		else if ( strlen( $pass ) < 5 )
			$error = "Password is to short, 5 characters min!";
		else if ( trim( $user ) == "" )
			$error = "Usernames only containing white-spaces is not allowed!";
			$fetch = mysql_query( "SELECT `user` FROM `user` WHERE `user` = '".$user."'" ) or die ( mysql_error() );
			if ( mysql_num_rows( $fetch ) != 0 )
				$error = "That username is already taken!";
				$pass = md5( $pass );
				mysql_query( "INSERT INTO `user` ( `user`, `pass` ) VALUES ( '".$user."', '".$pass."' )" ) or die ( mysql_error() );
				$error = "Registration complete, continue to login via the \"Back\" link below.";

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Simple Register Function

Initial Tags

Initial Language