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Revision: 44680
at April 15, 2011 19:59 by punuhan

Initial Code
function remove_special_char($string) {
    $ts = array("/\~/", "/\`/", "/\@/", "/\#/", "/\\$/", "/\%/", "/\^/", "/\&/", "/\*/", "/\(/", "/\)/", "/\:/", "/\:/", "/\;/", "/\</", "/\>/", "/\?/", "/\//", "/\,/", "/\{/", "/\}/", "/\[/", "/\]/", "/\|/", "/\+/", "/\=/", "/\!/", "/\'/" );
    $string = preg_replace($ts,'', $string);
	return $string;

Initial URL

Initial Description
The special characters in the file name caused problem when the exported to iphone application.

Initial Title
Remove special characters from file name

Initial Tags

Initial Language