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Revision: 44741
at April 17, 2011 01:39 by prwhitehead

Updated Code
* Usage: Rename the function and add your own $sql 

function test_function(){
	global $wpdb; 
//check if there is some past cached results
	$result = wp_cache_get(date('Y-m-d'), __FUNCTION__);	

        //if there wasn't a cached result, run your query
	if($result === false) 
               //place your SQL here
		$sql = "SELECT p.post_author 
					FROM $wpdb->posts p 
					WHERE p.post_status = 'publish' 
					AND p.post_type = 'business' "; 
		$result = $wpdb->get_col($sql);
                //once the query has been run, cache the results
		wp_cache_add(date('Y-m-d'), $result,  __FUNCTION__);
	return $result;	

Revision: 44740
at April 17, 2011 01:35 by prwhitehead

Initial Code
* Usage: Rename the function and add your own $sql to the function 

function test_function(){
	global $wpdb; 
//check if there is some past cached results
	$result = wp_cache_get(date('Y-m-d'), __FUNCTION__);	

        //if there wasn't a cached result, run your query
	if($result === false) 
               //place your SQL here
		$sql = "SELECT p.post_author 
					FROM $wpdb->posts p 
					WHERE p.post_status = 'publish' 
					AND p.post_type = 'business' "; 
		$result = $wpdb->get_col($sql);
                //once the query has been run, cache the results
		wp_cache_add(date('Y-m-d'), $result,  __FUNCTION__);
	return $result;	

Initial URL

Initial Description
Cache the results of your wordpress database queries for faster page generation

Initial Title
Wordpress: Cache your $wpdb queries

Initial Tags
wordpress, cache

Initial Language