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Revision: 45429
at April 30, 2011 01:11 by tasmanweb

Initial Code
Makes a html year select starting at the current + the next 2 years
The string passed is the name of the select.
echo select_years('pickup_year');
function select_years($name){
	return '
	<select name="'.$name.'">
	<option value="'.date("Y").'" SELECTED>'.date("Y").'</option>
	<option value="'.(date("Y")+1).'">'.(date("Y")+1).'</option>
	<option value="'.(date("Y")+2).'">'.(date("Y")+2).'</option>

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Makes a html year select starting at the current + the next 2 years

Initial Tags
php, date, function

Initial Language