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Revision: 46059
at May 12, 2011 06:37 by yaysunshine

Updated Code
    $term = $_GET['s'];
    $res = mysql_query("select * from wp_users where display_name like '%$term%'");
    if ($res) {
    	<p><strong>Were you looking for:</strong></p>
    	while($author = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
    		$shortname = strtolower($author['user_login']);
    		<li><a href="<? bloginfo('home'); ?>/author/<? echo $shortname; ?>/"><? echo $author['display_name']; ?></a></li> <!-- may vary based on permalink structure -->

Revision: 46058
at May 12, 2011 06:36 by yaysunshine

Initial Code
    		$term = $_GET['s'];
    		$res = mysql_query("select * from wp_users where display_name like '%$term%'");
    		if ($res) {
    			<p><strong>Were you looking for:</strong></p>
    			while($author = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
    				$shortname = strtolower($author['user_login']);
    				<li><a href="<? bloginfo('home'); ?>/author/<? echo $shortname; ?>/"><? echo $author['display_name']; ?></a></li> <!-- may vary based on permalink structure -->

Initial URL

Initial Description
If your site also has registered users that aren't authors, you might have to modify this to cross-reference the usermeta table.  Otherwise, this should work pretty well.

Initial Title
Wordpress Author Search Suggest

Initial Tags
mysql, php, wordpress

Initial Language