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Revision: 46247
at May 14, 2011 19:17 by Ragnis

Updated Code
du -h | grep "^[0-9A-Z. ]*[TAB]*\./[.a-zA-Z0-9_ -]*$"

Revision: 46246
at May 14, 2011 19:08 by Ragnis

Initial Code
du -h | grep "^[0-9A-Z.  ]*\./[.a-zA-Z0-9_ -]*$"

Initial URL

Initial Description
It makes linux `du` command to show only children of current directory.
You have to replace `TAB` with actual tab character. In terminal you can get it by pressing `<ctrl-v><tab>`.

Initial Title
Display only current directory contents using `du`

Initial Tags

Initial Language