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Revision: 5524
at March 13, 2008 15:00 by f0vela

Updated Code
' To use it put the code like this on your loop:
' <%counter = counter + 1%>
' <tr bgcolor="<%=Acolor(counter,"#a0a0a0","#e0e0e0")%>">
'    <td>Data</td>
' </tr>
' n        is the external counter
' col      is the first color in hex format
' col2     is the second color in hex format, you can leave it empty

function Acolor(n,col,col2)
	num = 0
	num = n mod 2
	if col2 = "" then col2 = "#ffffff"
	if num = 0 then
		Acolor = col
		Acolor = col2
	end if
end function

Revision: 5523
at March 13, 2008 14:58 by f0vela

Initial Code
' To use it put the code like this on your loop:
' <%counter = counter + 1%>
' <tr bgcolor="<%=Acolor(counter,"#ffffff","#a0a0a0")%>">
'    <td>Data</td>
' </tr>
' n is the external counter
' col is the first color in hex format
' col2 is the second color in hex format

function Acolor(n,col,col2)
	num = 0
	num = n mod 2
	if col2 = "" then col2 = "#ffffff"
	if num = 0 then
		Acolor = col
		Acolor = col2
	end if
end function

Initial URL

Initial Description

Initial Title
Alternate row colors

Initial Tags
table, ASP

Initial Language