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Revision: 46928
at May 27, 2011 19:01 by kopfaction

Initial Code
plugin.tt_news.displayLatest {
  subheader_stdWrap {
    stripHtml = 1
    crop = 150 | ... | 1
    ifEmpty.field = bodytext
    # the "more" link is directly appended to the subheader
    append = TEXT = register:newsMoreLink
    append.wrap = <p class="news-latest-morelink">|</p>
    # display the "more" link only if the field bodytext contains something
    append.if.isTrue.field = bodytext
    outerWrap = <p>|</p>

Initial URL

Initial Description
Dieses Typoscript wrappt den More-Link und umschließt ihn mit dem <p>-Tag, sowie fügt ihm die Klasse ".news-latest-morelink" bei.

Entwickelt von <a href="">Sven Wolfermann</a>.

Initial Title
More-Link wrappen

Initial Tags

Initial Language