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Revision: 47089
at June 1, 2011 01:00 by rtperson

Initial Code
{- Ex 1: Use a fold (choosing the appropriate fold will 
    make your code much simpler) to rewrite and improve upon 
    the asInt function from the section called “Explicit recursion”.
    Your function should behave as follows.
    ghci> asInt_fold "101"
    ghci> asInt_fold "-31337"
    ghci> asInt_fold "1798"
    Extend your function to handle the following kinds of exceptional conditions by calling error.
    ghci> asInt_fold ""
    ghci> asInt_fold "-"
    ghci> asInt_fold "-3"
    ghci> asInt_fold "2.7"
    *** Exception: Char.digitToInt: not a digit '.'
    ghci> asInt_fold "314159265358979323846"
import Data.Char (digitToInt) -- we'll need ord
import Data.List (foldl')

-- powTen was originally a one-liner. I'm trying to guard against an int overflow,
-- but haven't yet found a way to successfully do so.
asInt_fold :: String -> Int
asInt_fold []  = error "String is empty"
asInt_fold "-" = error "dash is not a number"
asInt_fold ('-':xs) = (-1) * asInt_fold xs 
asInt_fold str = foldl' powTen 0 str
                         where maxis = maxBound::Int
                               powTen n ch 
                                  | n > (maxis) = error "overflow of int"
                                  | otherwise = n * 10 + (digitToInt ch)

Initial URL

Initial Description
The first fold exercise from RWH, Chapter 4

Initial Title
Real World Haskell Exercise - Ch 4

Initial Tags

Initial Language