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Revision: 47847
at June 17, 2011 10:33 by arnolddc71

Initial Code
<?php $how_many=1; //how many posts to display require('blog1/wp-config.php'); //the path to the wp-config file of the blog I want to use $news=$wpdb->get_results("SELECT 'ID','post_title','post_content' FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE 'post_type'=\"post\" AND 'post_status'=\"publish\" ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT $how_many"); foreach($news as $np){ printf ("<div class='normalText'>%s</div>", $np->post_content); }?>

Initial URL

Initial Description
List your WordPress posts on a non-WordPress website

Initial Title
List recent post on a non-WordPress site

Initial Tags

Initial Language