Revision: 48827
Initial Code
Initial URL
Initial Description
Initial Title
Initial Tags
Initial Language
at July 11, 2011 06:46 by tabook22
Initial Code
Dim products As New XDocument(New XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", ""), _ New XElement("products", _ New XElement("product", _ New XAttribute("id", "p1"), _ New XElement("name", "Alpha"), _ New XElement("price", "1200"), _ New XElement("stock", "19"), _ New XElement("country", "Germany")))) products.Save(Server.MapPath("products-linq.xml")) Response.Redirect("products-linq.xml") 'load file in browser
Initial URL
Initial Description
Create a new xml file and display it in browser
Initial Title
Create a new xml file and display it in browser
Initial Tags
xml, aspnet
Initial Language