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Revision: 48879
at July 12, 2011 21:56 by G470

Updated Code
<script type='text/javascript'>

$(function() {
/*	Accordion Menu for Indexhibit uses jquery
 *	Created by G470  Jul 2011

/*** first hide all sub Elements ***/
$aswt = $("#menu .container ul li.section-title");
/*** cursor for the section title ***/
/*** remove the next line if you don't want to show active menu by default ***/
$('#menu .container ul').parent().children().show();
/*** click function for  section title ***/


Revision: 48878
at July 12, 2011 21:56 by G470

Updated Code
<script type='text/javascript'>

$(function() {
/*	Accordion Menu for Indexhibit uses jquery
 *	Created by G470  Jul 2011

/*** first hide all sub Elements ***/
$aswt = $("#menu .container ul li.section-title");
/*** cursor for the section title ***/
/*** remove the next line if you don't want to show active menu by default ***/
$('#menu .container ul').parent().children().show();
/*** click function for  section title ***/


Revision: 48877
at July 12, 2011 09:15 by G470

Initial Code
<script type='text/javascript'>

$(function() {
//#### first hide all sub Elements ####//
$aswt = $("#menu .container ul li.section-title");
//#### cursor for the section title ####//
//#### remove the next line if you don't want to show active menu by default ####//
$('#menu .container ul').parent().children().show();
//#### click function for  section title ####//


Initial URL

Initial Description
to make use of this snippet you have to update the jquery.js file in your ndxz-studio/site/js folder to a new version.

Initial Title
Indexhibit accordion menu

Initial Tags

Initial Language